Spaying Your Pet Is About More Than Population Control

26 August 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


All pet owners have heard the argument that spaying or neutering can help reduce the population of unwanted pets. You might think that you are responsible enough to prevent unwanted pregnancy in your pet, so spaying isn't a necessity.

Some owners are surprised to learn that spaying can actually have positive health benefits for their beloved pets. Having your dog or cat spayed is not just about population control, it's an important component in a comprehensive healthcare program for your pet.

Reduce Roaming

Every pet owner lives in fear of losing their animal at some point. Pets who find their way outdoors unattended can easily wander off and get injured, hit by a car, or stolen by another individual.

Spaying can help to reduce the potential for a pet to get lost. Intact animals have a strong urge to roam in an attempt to find a mate. When you spay your pet, this urge is significantly diminished. A spayed animal is more likely to stay in your yard, which greatly reduces the potential for injury or loss.

Better Health

Perhaps the most compelling reason to spay your pet is the longer lifespan that spayed animals enjoy. A female cat or dog who hasn't been spayed has a greater risk of developing uterine cancer. Intact females are also at risk of developing pyometra, which is a potentially fatal urinary infection.

Making the choice to spay your pet is an investment in a long and healthy life together. The cost of spaying is minimal when you compare the costs associated with treating cancer or pyometra.

Improved Behavior

All animals need some training to ensure that they are able to live harmoniously with their family. Spaying is not essential to the training process, but it can help facilitate better behavior.

Animals that have been spayed tend to be less aggressive. A spayed animal is less likely to engage in bad behaviors like excessive barking, mounting, or establishing dominance. Curbing the tendency toward domineering behavior through spaying can be beneficial in helping your animal get along with other animals in the household and retain any training that you provide over time.

Controlling the population of unwanted animals is not the only reason to consider spaying your pet. Spaying can be a valuable tool that helps you reduce roaming, prevent cancer and infection, and improve your dog's behavior. Talk to your vet about any additional benefits your pet will enjoy after being spayed.

For more information about spaying and neutering, contact a company like Hamptons Animal Hospital / Spay & Neuter Centre.